The next generation of the federal voluntary voting system guidelines is out for public comment until May 29th, but it doesn't include a ban on wireless modems or internet connectivity.
Take action & urge the EAC to include a ban on wireless modems & internet connectivity.
Take action & urge the EAC to include a ban on wireless modems & internet connectivity.
Insert this text in your email:
"We strongly support the draft Voluntary Voting System Guidelines (VVSG) and commend the robust principles and guidelines for software independence, auditability and ballot secrecy.
Given the fact that our election systems are being targeted for interference through cyber attacks, we believe it is imperative the VVSG also include a prohibition on connectivity to the public Internet through wireless modems or other means. Therefore, we urge the Commission to include a guideline under:
Principle 13: DATA PROTECTION:
"The voting system does not use wireless technology or connect to any public telecommunications infrastructure"
More Information including a link to the full guidelines.