Okay, I admit, I'm pitiful. I am a designer, but I am not a developer. I have no idea how to get the url for my blogger Twitter card without first posting my Twitter card image, so that I can then use that url to create the Twitter card. I've changed the name of my blog and updated the branding. Here is the big reveal. Now I have to implement these files. Hopefully it will all be up by the time people start viewing it.
We the People
So here is a post to show off my new Header, Logo, and Favicon for my newly rebranded blog.
I love the new styles. Unfortunately, all the previous links I created, broke, the minute I changed the site name. Sigh . . . better now than a year down the road after I had grown.
This should show up in any links to my general blog page on Twitter or Facebook. Hopefully I will have this working soon.
You can also see this ABOVE this post in all its glory.
This is the little tiny icon that shows up next to the url or on the browser tab. It almost the same as the Logo, only it will be tiny, so I had to make it high contrast.