Sunday, November 18, 2018
Essential Guide to Understanding Trump's Collusion
Book Review
Title: Proof of Collusion: How Trump Betrayed America
By: Seth Abramson
I have been avidly, and perhaps obsessively, following the Trump collusion investigation since it officially began, because, like many Americans, I was stunned by his election and the clear Russian interference into our election process. The assault on our Democracy offended me at the deepest level and my patriotic heart thrummed for justice . . . for a way to heal the wound to our nation.
The scope of the investigation, and many lines of criminal inquiry, are massive. This poses a problem for many people, like me, who have trouble memorizing random points of data. So many facts have hit the public sphere, it really is impossible for anyone, except those most gifted in memorizing detail, to see the whole picture.
Author Seth Abramson has done the public a great service in his piece of work, Proof of Collusion: How Trump Betrayed America. He has meticulously tracked all of the publicly available data points from reputable news sources and public filings, and has codified the relevant facts into a master timeline and provided that information in this book.
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
All I Want for Christmas Is My Democracy Back
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Democracy in Distress. Please help! |
Democratic National Committee
Representative Nancy Pelosi
Senator Chuck Schumer
Governor Roy Cooper
Dear Democratic Leaders,
I'm a citizen in gerrymandered district NC11. While we were not successful in getting our Democratic candidate elected, I donated what I could to support his efforts, as well as many other Democrat's campaigns, both in the House, Senate and some Governor races. I donated my time in a variety of efforts to get out the vote. I also lifted my voice, every single day, for the last few years. Clearly, I was not alone.
The amount of money that was spent by individual contributors (me and many others), in an attempt to compete with large PAC and SuperPAC donations, is nothing less than gross waste. Imagine how many homeless vets we could have housed, or orphaned children we could have helped. I'm certain our forefathers never dreamed that citizens would have to financially compete with corporations to get our voices heard.
This must be corrected.
The blame lies in many places. As citizens, we must own part of the blame for not paying enough attention to politics for too long, and allowing those who wish to corrupt, free rein. Democracy is a ship that requires a captain to steer it. We, the citizens, are that captain. We must steer the ship. I assure you, we are steering now.
Friday, November 2, 2018
Vote Young People, Vote!
We need your unjaded, hopeful hearts, unhindered by thoughts of "how things have always been" and instead, simply seeing "how things are" and "how they should be."
We need your bright, educated minds, whose curiosity has brought you to Google questions and YouTube ideas we haven't even thought of.
We need your values and vision of the future to determine what our government should be.
You will live with the consequences of this election, whether you vote or not. Do you really want me defining the future of the country you must live in, without your say? Do you really want to relinquish your power to me? Do you think I know enough about what you want, what you need, to shape this world to your standards?
This election is the most important election in my lifetime, and many say, since the birth of our nation. It will likely be the most important of your lifetime too.
Vote your conscience.
Vote for your hopes, your dreams.
Vote for your future.
Own your power. Wield it.
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