
Sunday, November 18, 2018

Essential Guide to Understanding Trump's Collusion

Book Review 
Title: Proof of Collusion: How Trump Betrayed America
By: Seth Abramson

I have been avidly, and perhaps obsessively, following the Trump collusion investigation since it officially began, because, like many Americans, I was stunned by his election and the clear Russian interference into our election process. The assault on our Democracy offended me at the deepest level and my patriotic heart thrummed for justice . . . for a way to heal the wound to our nation.

The scope of the investigation, and many lines of criminal inquiry, are massive. This poses a problem for many people, like me, who have trouble memorizing random points of data. So many facts have hit the public sphere, it really is impossible for anyone, except those most gifted in memorizing detail, to see the whole picture.

Author Seth Abramson has done the public a great service in his piece of work, Proof of Collusion: How Trump Betrayed America. He has meticulously tracked all of the publicly available data points from reputable news sources and public filings, and has codified the relevant facts into a master timeline and provided that information in this book.

I have just finished one listen to the Audio. I intend to listen two more times, as I want to commit it to memory as much as possible, and my memory for this sort of detail is less than stellar, unless I were doing the research myself.

Abramson addresses some of the more interesting and obscure threads that I've been tracking myself, and which I've seen few others approach, including:

  • Nastya Rybka: Belarusian escort and ex-lover to Russian Oligarch Deripaska, jailed in Thailand, who claimed to have relevant video regarding the Trump Russia investigation, which Russia seemed to find worrisome enough that it threatened to cut YouTube off for their entire country. (Nothing to see here folks.)
  • Carter Page: Foreign Policy Advisor to the Trump Campaign, who had been under FBI surveillance for knowingly consorting with known Russian spies, since long before Trump officially announced his candidacy, and who once, himself, claimed, in writing, to be an advisor to the Kremlin.
  • The NRA Connection: Maria Butina and the funneling of Russian Oligarch Torshin's money through the NRA to assist the Trump Campaign.
  • Cambridge Analytica: Their ties to Russia, how the Facebook data got into Russia's hands, and the microtargetting of Americans with Fear Campaigns.

In addition to the more obscure threads noted above, Abramson covers all the more familiar threads such as:

  • The Trump Tower Meeting
  • The October Surprise
  • The RNC Platform Change on Russian Sanctions

If you want to have the best grasp of the public information to date, this is the book. Forget all the rest. This is purely factual. If you are looking for political drama, look elsewhere. Abramson even handles the more salacious bits in a factual manner.

The only way you could get a better grasp of all that is currently known in the public sphere is to meticulously catalogue every journal article that relates to collusion yourself and build your own master timeline. Plus, to match the value you get in this book, you would need to be a lawyer yourself, as Abramson adds his expertise in understanding how the facts correlate to actual criminal statutes. Or, you can skip going to law school, years of research, and for a mere pittance comparatively, have it all at your fingertips.

Facts matter. These are the facts as best we know them at this time.

I 100% recommend this book. It would also make a most excellent holiday gift.

This book is available in Audio, Kindle, and hardcover and I now own all three. I personally recommend buying the Audio and the Kindle version and listening as you read. The Russian names are a little daunting and having them spoken for you helps a lot. The Kindle version is great as a searchable reference. I can type in a search, such as 'Carter Page', and quickly find all the references about him. This feature will be especially convenient when Mueller starts indicting folks again.

This book is also available outside of Amazon and can be found in many libraries. Consider requesting that your local library order a copy, or donate a copy to them as I understand waiting lines in some libraries are already quite long.

Link to book on Amazon

#BookReview #Review

Want to help get this book into the hands of every Congress Member? Please consider contributing to this GoFundMe. #Resist

1 comment:

  1. another great post. liked the idea about searching inside a kindle book. hadn't occurred to me. steve herzfeld @american2084


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