
Friday, November 2, 2018

Vote Young People, Vote!

We need your unjaded, hopeful hearts, unhindered by thoughts of "how things have always been" and instead, simply seeing "how things are" and "how they should be."

We need your bright, educated minds, whose curiosity has brought you to Google questions and YouTube ideas we haven't even thought of.

We need your values and vision of the future to determine what our government should be.

You will live with the consequences of this election, whether you vote or not. Do you really want me defining the future of the country you must live in, without your say? Do you really want to relinquish your power to me? Do you think I know enough about what you want, what you need, to shape this world to your standards?

This election is the most important election in my lifetime, and many say, since the birth of our nation. It will likely be the most important of your lifetime too.

Vote your conscience.
Vote for your hopes, your dreams.
Vote for your future.

Own your power. Wield it.


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