Democracy in Distress. Please help! |
Democratic National Committee
Representative Nancy Pelosi
Senator Chuck Schumer
Governor Roy Cooper
Dear Democratic Leaders,
I'm a citizen in gerrymandered district NC11. While we were not successful in getting our Democratic candidate elected, I donated what I could to support his efforts, as well as many other Democrat's campaigns, both in the House, Senate and some Governor races. I donated my time in a variety of efforts to get out the vote. I also lifted my voice, every single day, for the last few years. Clearly, I was not alone.
The amount of money that was spent by individual contributors (me and many others), in an attempt to compete with large PAC and SuperPAC donations, is nothing less than gross waste. Imagine how many homeless vets we could have housed, or orphaned children we could have helped. I'm certain our forefathers never dreamed that citizens would have to financially compete with corporations to get our voices heard.
This must be corrected.
The blame lies in many places. As citizens, we must own part of the blame for not paying enough attention to politics for too long, and allowing those who wish to corrupt, free rein. Democracy is a ship that requires a captain to steer it. We, the citizens, are that captain. We must steer the ship. I assure you, we are steering now.